Official Partner for Trento Universiade

Visa S.p.A. is a leading Italian company that has been successfully present in the market since 1960, projecting and manufacturing highly technological generating sets and power stations. With its network currently present in more than 100 Countries in the world, Visa grants the more suitable solutions with a high standard of quality and technology in many areas, including industry, constructions, mining and oil sector, telecommunications, military, food industries, hospitals and health care centres, banks, hotels and turism, chemical field, entertainment, shipbuilding and naval sector, civil protection and public corporations, and many more. Visa is officially certified to ISO 9001/2008 and ISO 14001/2004 regulation; tailoring its production standards to international technical specifications combined with rigid product testing, has allowed Visa to become a world-wide symbol of efficiency and quality, becoming the official supplier of the largest telecommunications companies in China, Philippines, UAE, Germany, Qatar, Singapore, Ethiopia, Libya, Congo, Yemen, Algeria, Tanzania, France, Venezuela and others.
“ONIS VISA” gensets and power stations, ranging from 9.0 to 30.000 kVA, are totally manufactured in I taly and offer the best technological and quality features. Thanks to a research and development team of 10 engineers who are completely dedicated to projecting customized solutions and developing special and sophisticated projects for more complex applications, Visa can support its clients quickly and efficiently providing the highest quality customized solutions. A rental fleet of 480 units and a team of 20 well trained technicians and highly qualified personnel allows Visa to be a leader also in the hiring sector and in all those services supporting big events and extra power requirements.