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Whistleblowing Policy

Welcome to the whistleblowing policy of VISA SPA s.u. This policy is designed to provide our employees, suppliers, customers and other stakeholders with a secure and confidential means of reporting illegal, unethical or non-compliant behaviour within the company. We believe it is fundamental to our commitment to business integrity and professional ethics.

Who can submit a report

Anyone who has a relationship with the company, including employees, suppliers, customers and other stakeholders, is encouraged to report any suspicious or problematic behaviour. All reports will be treated confidentially and handled with the utmost seriousness.

What can be reported ?

Reports can cover a wide range of issues, including:
- Fraud or embezzlement - Unethical behaviour - Abuse of power - Breaches of regulations - Discrimination or harassment in the workplace - Threats to health and safety

How to submit a report?

There are several options for reporting a problem:
1. **Internal reporting**: Employees may seek their supervisor, the human resources manager or a designated member of the reporting team.
2. **External reporting**: If you do not feel comfortable reporting internally or if the report directly involves your supervisor, you can use the online whistleblowing system provided by, an independent third-party service specialising in handling whistleblowing reports. You will find the link to access the platform at the bottom of this page.

Report Management Process

All reports will be carefully examined and treated confidentially. We will do our best to resolve the issues raised as quickly and fairly as possible. We will not tolerate any kind of retaliation against whistleblowers, and will do everything possible to protect their identity.

Annex: Whistleblowing Policy (PDF)

For more details on our whistleblowing policy, please see our full document, available for download below.
[View our whistleblowing policy PDF]

Link to the Whistleblowing Platform

To submit a report through our whistleblowing platform, please click on the link below:
[Access Whistleblowing Platform]

We are committed to ensuring a safe, ethical and transparent work environment for all our employees and partners. Your cooperation in raising any concerns is crucial to our continued success.

Thank you for your commitment and integrity.

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