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The Onis Visa Energy Storage is a modular storage system based on high density LLP (Low Lithium and Polarization) batteries. It is ideal for off-grid applications, since it guarantees operational continuity and optimization of the energy costs. With the increasing demand for efficient and sustainable energy solutions, BESS systems are becoming an essential component for industries, manufacturing factories and critical infrastructures.

What is a Battery Energy Storage System (BESS)?

The Battery Energy Storage Systems (BESS) are advanced technological devices designed to store power energy and release it when it is needed. They represent a flexible and reliable solution to manage the energy supply intelligently. Because of their ability to store energy from different sources, such as electricity grid, generating sets, photovoltaic systems or renewable generation plants, BESS can balance energy demand and supply, reducing operating costs and improving sustainability.


The benefits of the Onis Visa BESS system 

  • Modularity: it is adaptable to any kind of installation and configuration.
  • Sustainability: Zero emissions and compatibility with photovoltaic, hydroelectric and wind power plants.
  • Remote monitoring: Thanks to our dedicated software it is possible the monitoring and the management of the machine parameters. 
  • Easy maintenance: User-friendly system with scheduled maintenance options to minimize downtime. 


Technical features of the Onis Visa BESS systems 

  • Storage capacity : Model SpC 7,6÷30.4 kWh – Model Cont 50÷250 kWh
  • Autonomy: Up to 20.000 cycles  (90% DOD) – 1 C fast charge 
  • Degree of protection: IP44, suitable for even extreme environmental conditions at any altitude and latitude.
  • Advanced security: Control of temperature, pressure, smoke detection, protection against overloads, short circuits and atmospheric discharges.   
  • Integration with renewable energies: VISA StMS control system helps manage energy storage, allowing you to get the most out of your incoming energy sources and react more effectively to the needs of the electrical load, maximizing renewable energy production and minimizing the use of the genset and/or the contribution from mains. Compatible with photovoltaic systems, it supports up to 65 kW of MPPT power to maximize efficiency.
  • Connection: Remote monitoring through dedicated app, web portal and communication 3G/4G and ethernet. 
  • Regulations: Our machines comply with the EN 62933-5-2 regulation and can be certified with CEI 0-21.   


 Model STAND SpC - 7,6 ÷ 30,4 kWh 

 Model Custom CONT SpC - 50 ÷ 250 kWh 

Possible applications of the BESS systems

  • Load Leveling: BESS systems allow energy to be stored during low-cost periods and used when power rates get higher, contributing to the reduction of operating costs;
  • Peak Shaving: During peaks in energy demand, the Onis Visa BESS System manages energy predictively so as not to overload the mains, reducing costs and preventing power outages;
  • Power Backup: In the event of power supply interruptions, BESSs ensure the operational continuity of critical infrastructures such as hospitals, data centers, and industrial plants;
  • Integration with renewable sources: BESS systems can be integrated with renewable energy sources such as photovoltaic, wind or hydroelectric, storing the energy produced  to be used in periods of low production or high demand; 
  • Energy optimization: Through intelligent energy management, BESS improve the overall efficiency of the energy system, contributing to a significant reduction in the carbon footprint. 


Bess Case History Rifugio Micheluzzi

MICHELUZZI Mountain hut
Val Duron (TN) 1850 mt. a.s.l.

Visa SpA has implemented an advanced LLP storage system for a mountain hut Rifugio Alpino Micheluzzi at over 1800 meters above sea level, operating in off-grid mode. The aim of this project was the need to reduce diesel consumption, previously the only energy source, optimizing the operating costs and the environmental impact. The adopted solution was the Onis Visa Energy Storage STAND SpC 50 kWh system which integrates Diesel generators (already present on site), reducing their use and improving energy efficiency.

The system is combined with a 35.7 kWp photovoltaic system, with 4 multi-string MPPT integrated in the ONIS VISA BESS Cont S-50/50, which significantly contributes to the power supply. The high-density "LLP" battery technology guarantees 20,000 charge/discharge cycles and allows a complete charge and discharge cycle in 1 hour at nominal current.

Actual measured system efficiency (1 year): 99,5%


Bess Case History Rifugio Berti

A.Berti al Popera mountain hut
Val Comelico (BL) 1950 mt a.s.l.

The Onis Visa BESS storage system designed for rifugio montano A.Berti mountain at 1950 meters above sea level, operates in off-grid mode. This project faced several challenges including the integration with an existing hydroelectric turbine in the plant which powers the mountain hut, the altitude of the structure and the problem related to lightning that frequently causes problems in the area. The Energy Storage STAND SpC 48Vdc with several safety devices was the solution we supplied for this installation: overvoltage arresters (in/out protection), Fire/smoke detection system, additional barometric pressure and humidity/temperature sensors, heating/cooling unit, and advanced StMS control panel.

The VISA StMS control system helps manage the energy storage, allowing to get the most out of the input energy sources and responding more effectively to the demands of the electrical load, maximizing renewable energy production, and minimizing the use of the generating set. The VISA StMS allows to manage the storage system with high level safety, because it performs checks in parallel with the battery and inverter controllers, detecting any anomalies and providing immediate feedback to the user.



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