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  • Visa SpA supplies energy for a great tunneling project

    Visa SpA has recently supplied 2 generating sets destined to the sector of tunnel industry to power equipment involved in tunneling operations in the Middle East. 
    Our technical-engineering team worked closely with the customer in all stages of the project, evaluating not only the technical aspects, but also the characteristics of the place of use of the machines, the power requirements of the systems, the dimensions of the machines, the environmental regulations up to the operational-logistics details. 



    Visa SpA has recently delivered a special project destined to Northern Europe for Hotel sector. It is a genset of 650 kVA that has to comply with some specific requirements stated by the customer.  

  • Vom Entwurf bis zur Installation des netzunabhängigen Speichersystems Onis Visa BESS Off-Grid

    Visa SpA hat eine Lieferung abgeschlossen, die auf der Entwicklung und Installation eines innovativen Speichersystems mit LLP-Technologie (Low Lithium and Polarization Batteries) basiert. Das System dient der Stromversorgung einer Berghütte auf 1.850 Metern über dem Meeresspiegel in einer „OffGrid“-Situation, in der das öffentliche Stromnetz völlig fehlt.

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