Training in Bolivia

Between April 1 and 5, 2019, two different technical and commercial training courses were carried out for our dealer in Bolivia.
The first event was held in La Paz while the second one was focused in Santa Cruz de la Sierra so that it was possible to cover the territory in a capillary manner and support our customer in his specific areas.
Both events had the purpose to strengthen the technical knowledge of our gensets. The first part of the course was all based on the general presentation, laying down the guidelines, both technical and commercial, that would be developed in more details the following days.
That was useful and appreciated but the most exciting part of both events was the practical aspect during which the generating sets were started and put under work, simulating possible errors and warnings that could occur. There was also the demonstration about the genset switching from three-phase to single phase to adapt the machine to different applications.
During the practical part of the meeting, the distributor had the chance to open the genset, realizing the high level of quality of components and the suitability of the Onis Visa generators to perfectly work in any environment and under difficult conditions.
Beside that, a particular attention was also granted to some other aspects such as the serial number registration during the commissioning, as well as the warranty procedure and details. All these stages and practical aspects would help our partner to arrange guarantees, after sales cases and voltage switching.
Through these courses we worked side by side with our client and all his team of people to support him as much as possible in representing the Onis Visa products and, on the other side, to understand his needs and those of the markets in which he daily operates, allowing to perform all the necessary services of product maintenance.
The events ended up with the distribution of the training certificates to all the attendants and with the guidelines and the definition of the 2019 strategies for a mutual cooperation and concrete support. This particular moment had been very valuable for all because it represented an important experience sharing of each participant referring to the market and to their personal experiences.
The feed-back was positive and enthusiastic, demonstrating once again that events like these reinforce the relationship between both parts and the trust in the product quality and in the qualified after-sale service.